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My Story

Hi there and welcome! 

I am Ashley.

I am Southern California transplant to the Rocky Mountains of Colorado.

There are a million things I want to learn about and a world of places I want to go.

I love Jesus.

I am married to My Dreamboat. He is an artist, avid fly fisherman, and over all hunk.

I am a mama to two boys:

Little Ninja, as a true spirited child, is a big feeler, thinker, and an absolute blast.

Little Bear, who is non-verbal, autistic, delayed and a complete love and joy to be around.

I love time with family and friends.

I love that I get to teach my littles every day. Homeschooling is not easy but boy we love it!

I love food. My current pursuits are the GAPS diet, fermentations, and comfort food makeovers.


In my dream world I would have you over for tea or a meal and we could chat about all the things going on in our lives and everything we are learning about! It would be wonderful! But alas, this is not always possible so I have this blog. Aprons & Armor is a place for me to share about all of the hot mess that is my life and maybe it will encourage you along the way! 

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